Treatment of Dry Eyes
LipiFlow Can Help with Dry Eye
Many people suffer from the discomfort and pain of Dry Eye Disease. Most try various over the counter products to manage their condition, but these products provide only temporary relief of symptoms. Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD) is the leading cause of Dry Eye Disease. 86% of dry eye patients have MGD and yet it is often overlooked. If left untreated, MGD may worsen over time and lead to more dry eye symptoms. However, 1 in 5 MGD patients have no symptoms making a MGD evaluation a good idea for everyone. The good news is that Dr. Jenifer Ramsower at the Dry Eye Center of Florida has the most advanced technology to diagnose and treat MGD.
The LipiFlow® Pulsation System is now available in our office! This automated treatment is computer controlled and extremely precise to clear away gland obstruction and restore healthy gland function. This comfortable treatment is routinely performed in a single office visit and takes only 12 minutes, but results could last more than a year.
Prior to LipiFlow®, your physician would manually express the glands with forceps following the application of a heat mask. The pressure applied was inconsistent and the temperature of the heat mask was too low for the oil to flow properly, resulting in an ineffective clearing of the glands and a painful procedure.
How Does LipiFlow Work?
- LipiFlow® is a safe and comfortable, FDA approved, in office treatment for the inner and outer lid treatment of MGD.
- After an initial anesthetic eye drop, LipiFlow® applies precise heat to the inner eyelids and gently massages the meibomian glands to loosen the oil trapped within the glands.
- Once loosened, LipiFlow® then pushes the contents up and out while protecting the delicate structures of the eyelids.
- This treatment is designed to restore the natural oil flow to the tear film that covers the eye’s surface.
LipiFlow Treatment for Dry Eye
LipiFlow Treatment for Dry Eye
LipiFlow is the most advanced in-office treatment. It utilizes a painless thermal pulsation device, which simultaneously heats all four eyelids to ten degrees above body temperature and clears out all the obstruction from the meibomian glands in only twelve minutes.